AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 33. SNRs and Other Stellar Ejecta
Oral, Wednesday, January 12, 2000, 2:00-3:30pm, Regnecy V

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[33.03] Photoelectric Photometry of NGC 6210

R. W. Schmude, Jr., P. N. Mehta (Gordon College)

A series of photoelectric measurements of the planetary nebulae NGC 6210 were carried out in May, 1999 using a 0.51m Newtonian telescope along with an SSP-3 solid state photometer and filters that have been transformed to the Johnson B, V, R and I system. The respective B, V, R and I magnitudes for NGC 6210 are: 9.70(0.02), 9.08(0.01), 9.66(0.01) and 10.35(0.04) where the uncertainties are in parentheses. If a distance of 1.1 kiloparsecs is used for NGC 6210 then the absolute magnitudes of this object are: -0.50, -1.12, -0.55 and 0.14 for the B, V, R and I filters respectively.

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