AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 96. First Results from the Chandra X-ray Observatory
Special Session Oral, Friday, January 14, 2000, 2:00-3:30pm, Centennial I and II

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[96.04] Early Results from the Chandra X-ray Observatory The High Resolution Camera GTO Program

S. S. Murray (CfA), HRC Team

On July 23, 1999 the Chandra X-ray Observatory was launched by the Space Shuttle Columbia. On August 15-th the HRC was first turned on to full operating voltage, and on August 30-th the first observations through the telescope were made. During September and October the On-orbit Activation and Calibration Phase of the mission was mostly completed including a number of HRC observations that are publicly available in the CXO Archive. Following the OAC Phase the observatory has begun to carry out the GTO and GO programs that were planned almost two years ago.

Examples from a wide variety of observations will be briefly presented to highlight the instrumental capabilities of Chandra and the quality of science that is being done. These will include: A summary of the in-flight performance of the HRC; results from the nearby active galaxy Cen-A using the HRC-I; a study of the pulsar PSR0540-69 demonstrating the time resolution of the camera; early results from the central region of M31; spectral analysis of the X-ray emission of the cluster of galaxies A3667 using the ACIS-I; and more.

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