AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 110. Planetary Nebulae
Display, Saturday, January 15, 2000, 9:20am-4:00pm, Grand Hall

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[110.02] The Mid-Infrared morphology of the Planetary Nebula NGC 7027

A. Dayal (IPAC/Caltech), W.B. Latter (SSC/IPAC/Caltech), J.L. Hora, G.G. Fazio (Center for Astrophysics), W.F. Hoffmann, J.H. Bieging (University of Arizona), L.K. Deutsch (Boston University)

We present preliminary results from a detailed mid-infrared imaging study of the Planetary Nebula NGC 7027. The images were taken with MIRAC3 at the NASA/IRTF. Images were obtained at 16 CVF settings between 7.8\micron and 13.7\micron, at wavelengths isolating (and bracketing) dust emission features, dust continuum emission and mid-IR fine structure lines. Images were also obtained with 8 discrete broad--band filters, covering the range 5\micron--21\micron; these images sample a mixture of line and continuum emission. We will use our images to isolate spatial differences between the distribution of dust continuum and feature emitters, as well as differences between the dust and ionized gas. We will also construct 3-D models for the structure of the dust shell, and compare these models to similar models developed to fit HST/NICMOS data for NGC 7027.

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