AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 65. Unification and Temporal Evolution of Active Galaxies
Oral, Thursday, January 13, 2000, 2:00-3:30pm, Regency VI

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[65.05] The Active Nuclei Content of the RASS BSC/NVSS sample

F. Bauer (National Radio Astronomy Observatory/University of Virginia), J. Condon (National Radio Astronomy Observatory), T. Thuan (University of Virginia), J. Broderick (Virginia Tech)

I will present recent results from a complete sample of galaxies which are both radio sources in the 1.4 GHz NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) and X-ray sources in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalog (BSC). These catalogues were cross-identified using a technique akin to the likelihood ratio. This sample of \approx1500 objects is composed of nearly normal galaxies, Seyferts, quasars, and clusters with an average redshift of \approx0.1. The dominant population is active nuclei, ranging from local low luminosity AGN out to distant QSO's and BL Lacs. I have obtained redshifts and classifications for a magnitude-limited (J \leq 18 and \delta \ge -20\deg) subsample. The spectra permit a calculation of multivariate radio-X-ray-optical luminosity functions of these local galaxies and model evolutionary effects as a function of classification type. The sample has statistically significant numbers to probe a variety of classes and investigate nearby low lumninosity objects.

F. Bauer acknowledges support from a National Radio Astronomy Observatory Jansky Pre-doctoral Fellowship.

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