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H.A. Kobulnicky (U. Wisconsin), K.E. Johnson (U. Colorado)
Very Large Array (VLA) radio continuum imaging reveals
compact (<8 pc) ~1 mJy radio sources in the central
5\arcsec\ starburst region of the blue compact galaxy Henize
2-10. While the global radio continuum spectrum is a power
law (S\nu \propto \nu\alpha) indicative of
nonthermal processes (\alpha~q-0.5), the radio sources
have positive (\alpha>0.0) spectral indicies suggesting an
optically thick thermal bremsstrahlung origin. We model the
luminosities and spectral energy distributions of these
radio knots, finding that they are consistent with unusually
dense H~II regions having electron densities,
1500~cm-3 H.A.K. is grateful for support from a Hubble Postdoctoral
Fellowship awarded by NASA through the Space Telescope
Science Institute. K.E.J. is supported by NASA through a
Graduate Student Researchers Program fellowship.
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