AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 109. Extrasolar Planets and Low Mass Objects
Display, Saturday, January 15, 2000, 9:20am-4:00pm, Grand Hall

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[109.04] From Stars to Super-planets: The Low-Mass IMF in the Young Cluster IC348

G. P. Tiede, J. R. Najita (NOAO), J. S. Carr (NRL)

We have used an HST/NICMOS filter photometric technique to characterize the low-mass end of the stellar IMF and the transition to super-planet masses in the young cluster IC348. Using NICMOS filters that measure the strength of the 1.9\mum water feature, we are able to efficiently determine both T\rm eff and AK for faint, reddened, low-mass objects. With this approach, we have obtained spectral types for all objects in the field of the IC348 ``a'' subcluster to K=16.5, which allows for efficient separation of cluster and background objects. We discuss the derived HR cluster diagram and the implications for the cluster IMF in the mass range 0.3 M\odot to <20 MJ.

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