AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 106. Education
Display, Saturday, January 15, 2000, 9:20am-4:00pm, Grand Hall

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[106.06] Teaching Astronomy to K-4 Children via Interactive Play

V. Strelnitski (Maria Mitchell Observatory), M. Trott (Child Study Center of NY), M. Girvin (Nantucket Elementary School)

The goal of this project, which won a NASA/IDEAS grant, was the creation, performance and dissemination of the pilot of an interactive show that informally introduces elementary school children to the basics of the Solar System. A professional astronomer and primary school teachers of science and drama combined their efforts to achieve the maximum of esthetic attractiveness, scientific truth, and educational effectiveness of the show. We created a new design of a model of the Solar System for children. The model proved to be extremely attractive to the children, both during the shows and in regular family visits to the Observatory. The show has been tested on the children of Nantucket Elementary School and several other schools in MA and NJ. We used a variety of methods to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of this project --- all with highly positive results. Besides bringing our show to different schools, we disseminate this initiative via our home page (www.mmo.org) and conferences. The original children's model of the Solar System, a video clip with one of our performances, and other materials will be presented together with our poster at this meeting. This project was supported by the NASA grant ED-90169.01-97A.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: vladimir@mmo.org

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