AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 75. Intrinsic Variable Stars
Display, Friday, January 14, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[75.01] Lost Variables on Nantucket Plates

L. Haythe (Amer. School in London & M. Mitchell Observatory), N.N. Samus (Inst. of Astron, Russian Ac. Sci. & M. Mitchell Observatory), B. Biller (Swarthmore College & M. Mitchell Observatory), S. Hornstein (Virginia Tech. & M. Mitchell Observatory), L.J. Jisonna Jr. (U. Arizona & M. Mitchell Observatory), E. Lu (Wesleyan U. & M. Mitchell Observatory)

We used the Maria Mitchell Observatory's rich collection of Scutum cloud plates to recover ``lost'' Harvard variables in this part of the sky. We successfully recovered 7 ``lost'' variables. For each star we present its GCVS name, preliminary Harvard designation, GSC number (if available), the star's right ascension and declination (equinox 2000.0) with the source of the coordinates, the star's type as found in our study, and light elements (epoch and period), if they could be derived from our Nantucket and Moscow data. We also discuss two other interesting cases --- V389 Sct, a possible new ``UXor,'' and the ``lost'' Cepheid IU Aql. Walton discovered the latter on Nantucket plates in 1927 and detected its variations between 13 and 15 mag. Harwood classified it as a possible Cepheid in 1931. GSC 5129.00219 is the only star near the position given by Walton that is bright enough to measure. We argue that GSC 5129.00219 is definitely not a Cepheid and probably does not vary at all. This project was supported by the NSF/REU grant AST-9820555.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: vladimir@mmo.org

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