AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
Session 12. Large-Scale Structure Surveys
Display, Wednesday, January 12, 2000, 9:20am-6:30pm, Grand Hall

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[12.01] Completion of a Rich Cluster Redshift Survey to m10 \le 17.0

K. S. Krughoff, C. J. Miller, D. J. Batuski (U. Maine), J. M. Hill (U. Arizona)

Continuation of our redshift observations on the MX multi-fiber spectrometer at the Steward 2.3m telescope on Kitt Peak has yielded a 95% complete(310 measured clusters out of total sample of 325) set of redshifts for rich (R \ge 1) Abell cluster with m10 \le 17.0 and \delta \ge -17\circ. This is an addition of 117 clusters over our last published catalog, which was complete to m10 = 16.8 and R \ge 1.

The expanded catalog has allowed us to develop a new m10 vs. z relation that is accurate to larger z than previous such relations. As well as the catalog being 95% complete, most of the clusters in the catalog have more than 5 measured member galaxies. This has allowed us to minimize error introduced when the redshift of a foreground galaxy is taken to be the redshift of the cluster. Minimizing the error has enabled us to map the distribution of the rich cluster number density in the universe more accurately than ever before.

KSK, CJM, and DJB gratefully acknowledge support for this research from NASA through the Maine Space Grant Consortium.

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