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T.L. Huard, D.A. Weintraub (Vanderbilt U.), G. Sandell (NRAO)
Using the submillimeter common user bolometer array SCUBA on the JCMT, we have mapped regions within three large globules: CB~3, CB~34, and L~810. Our maps were centered on three IRAS sources, each of which are associated with a small cluster of near-infrared young stellar objects (YSOs) as seen from deep optical and/or near-infrared observations. We have detected submillimeter sources associated with the clusters, but clearly without near-infrared counterparts. These submillimeter sources, presumably protostars, suggest that these large globules are currently adding members to the YSO clusters. Thus, star formation within large globules appears to be a continuous process rather than a single, isolated event.
The work of Huard and Weintraub is supported by a NASA grant NAG54428. The work of Sandell is supported by NRAO.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: huard@juggler.phy.vanderbilt.edu