AAS 195th Meeting, January 2000
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 125. Cosmology and Large-Scale Structure

Oral, Saturday, January 15, 2000, 2:00-3:30pm, Centennial I and II

125.01 The Bull's-Eye Effect as a Probe of the Mass Density of the Universe
A.L. Melott, H. Feldman (University of Kansas)
125.02D Acceleration of Cosmic Rays at Large Scale Shocks: The Implications for S tructure Formation in the Universe
Francesco Miniati, T. W. Jones (University of Minnesota), D. Ryu (Chungnam National University), H. Kang (Pusan National University)
125.03D Using Perturbative Least Action to Recover Cosmological Initial Conditions
D.M. Goldberg (Princeton University Observatory)
125.04 X-ray Absorption by the Intergalactic Medium
T.T. Fang, G.L. Bryan, C.R. Canizares (Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
125.05D Exploring the Physics of Primordial Star Formation
V. Bromm (Yale University)

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