AAS 196th Meeting, June 2000
Session 37. X-Ray Results from Chandra and XMM
Topical Contributed Display, Wednesday, June 7, 2000, 10:00am-7:00pm, Empire Hall South

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[37.02] Optical Imaging of Serendipitous Chandra Field Sources in the Galactic Plane

P. Zhao, J. E. Grindlay, P. Edmonds, M. R. Garcia, J. E. McClintock, S. S. Murray (CfA), A. Cool (SFSU)

Chandra X-ray Observatory has unprecedented spatial resolution and sensitivity. Its 0.5 arcsec on-axis PSF provides for the first time an angular resolution comparable to ground based optical telescopes. Thus the serendipitous sources in each Chandra field constitute a rich collection of previously unknown X-ray sources with precise positions. The Chandra Multiwavelength Plane (ChaMPlane) Survey is a project to identify a large sample of these serendipitous X-ray sources in the galactic plane, including cataclysmic variables, quiescent low mass x-ray binaries, Be X-ray binaries and stellar coronal sources (see our paper ``ChaMPlane: Measuring the Faint X-ray Binary and Stellar X-ray Content of the Galaxy'' in this meeting). A pilot survey of this project has been successfully conducted in clear weather at the CTIO 4m in March, 2000 with the newly installed MOSAIC-II CCD detector. Nine Chandra cycle-1 fields were observed. Photometry down to 24th R magnitude in the galactic plane was performed in the V, R, I and H\alpha bands. X-ray sources are identified by their H\alpha excess in the R vs. (H\alpha - R) diagram. We will show the preliminary results comparing with the available Chandra X-ray images, including the field of the X-ray nova A0620-00 which has already been observed with Chandra.

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