AAS 196th Meeting, June 2000
Session 14. SOFIA, Clusters, Education and History
Oral, Monday, June 5, 2000, 10:00-11:30am, Highland C/H

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[14.06] NASA Space Science Resource Catalog

T. Teays (NASA OSS Resource Catalog Working Group)

The NASA Office of Space Science Resource Catalog provides a convenient online interface for finding space science products for use in classrooms, science museums, planetariums, and many other venues.

Goals in developing this catalog are: (1) create a cataloging system for all NASA OSS education products, (2) develop a system for characterizing education products which is meaningful to a large clientele, (3) develop a mechanism for evaluating products, (4) provide a user-friendly interface to search and access the data, and (5) provide standardized metadata and interfaces to other cataloging and library systems.

The first version of the catalog is being tested at the spring 2000 conventions of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and will be released in summer 2000. The catalog may be viewed at the Origins Education Forum booth.

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