HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 7. Chandra Results Overviews
Invited, Monday, November 6, 2000, 10:10-11:40am, Pago Pago Ballroom

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[7.02] Gravitational Lensing and Distant Clusters of Galaxies

M. W. Bautz (MIT Center for Space Research)

I present results from an ongoing program of Chandra imaging and spectroscopy of lensing clusters of galaxies. The X-ray data provide clear evidence that the program objects, including Abell 370, EMSS1358+6245 and EMSS1054-0321, exhibit a variety of dynamical states. Significant spatial variations in plasma temperature are observed within two of these clusters. I compare the quantity and spatial distribution of the dark matter in the cluster cores inferred from the lensing data with that obtained from the X-ray emitting gas. This comparison generally supports previously proposed explanations of the discrepancy between X-ray and lensing mass estimates.

This work was supported by NASA through contracts NAS-8-37716 and 1797-MIT-NA-A-38252.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: mwb@space.mit.edu

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