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E.D. Feigelson, P. Broos, G. Chartas, S.K. Koch, Y. Maeda, R. Sambruna, D. Sanwal, L. Townsley, Y. Tsuboi, J. Wolovitz (Penn State), T. Miyaji, A. Ptak (Carnegie-Mellon)
The Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory provides excellent spectrally-resolved high-resolution images. However, quantitative data analysis can be quite complex due to a variety of instrumental and environmental effects. As members of the ACIS instrument team, we outline here some techniques to address issues such as: correction of charge transfer inefficiency; removal of low-quality events and flaring pixels; aligning multi-epoch images and exposure maps; determining exposure times; creating merged full-array exposure maps and exposure-corrected smoothed images; applying wavelet detection algorithm to a full array; evaluating the efficacy of wavdetect; achieving subarcsecond absolute astrometry; and two-dimensional modeling of subimages. This work is funded by NAS8-38252.
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