HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 27. Data Analysis and Modeling Techniques
Display, Wednesday, November 8, 2000, 8:00am-6:00pm, Bora Bora Ballroom

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[27.02] Some Data Analysis Techniques for Chandra ACIS

E.D. Feigelson, P. Broos, G. Chartas, S.K. Koch, Y. Maeda, R. Sambruna, D. Sanwal, L. Townsley, Y. Tsuboi, J. Wolovitz (Penn State), T. Miyaji, A. Ptak (Carnegie-Mellon)

The Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory provides excellent spectrally-resolved high-resolution images. However, quantitative data analysis can be quite complex due to a variety of instrumental and environmental effects. As members of the ACIS instrument team, we outline here some techniques to address issues such as: correction of charge transfer inefficiency; removal of low-quality events and flaring pixels; aligning multi-epoch images and exposure maps; determining exposure times; creating merged full-array exposure maps and exposure-corrected smoothed images; applying wavelet detection algorithm to a full array; evaluating the efficacy of wavdetect; achieving subarcsecond absolute astrometry; and two-dimensional modeling of subimages. This work is funded by NAS8-38252.

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