HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 13. Clusters of Galaxies
Display, Tuesday, November 7, 2000, 8:00am-6:00pm, Bora Bora Ballroom

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[13.15] The X-ray Luminosity/Temperature Relation for over 200 Homogeneously Analyzed ASCA Clusters and Groups

D.J. Horner, W. Baumgartner (UMD/GSFC), K.C. Gendreau, R.F. Mushotzky (NASA/GSFC), C.A. Scharf (STScI)

The correlation between x-ray luminosity and x-ray temperature (the L-T relation) for galaxy clusters and groups reflects the underlying physics in their formation and evolution. As part of a project to compile and homogeneously analyze all of the known clusters in the ASCA public archives, we have derived the L-T relation for over 200 clusters observed by ASCA. Our L-T is the first to be well populated at all scales from rich clusters to groups allowing us to examine the relationship in unprecedented detail. We discuss the shape of the L-T relation and the influence of such effects as cooling flows and metal abundances. We also examine the evolution of the L-T relation with redshift and its implications for cluster formation and evolution.

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