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M. Tavani (ICF-CNR), A. Argan (CIFS), G. Budini (INFN, Trieste), P. Caraveo (ICF-CNR), A. Chen (CIFS), V. Cocco (CIFS), E. Costa (IAS-CNR), G. Di Cocco (ITESRE-SNR), M. Feroci (IAS-CNR), C. Labanti (ITESRE-CNR), I. Lapshov (IAS-CNR), P. Lipari (INFN, Roma 1), F. Longo (Univ. Ferrara), S. Mereghetti (IFC-CNR), E. Morelli (ITESRE-CNR), A. Morselli (INFN, Roma 2), F. Perotti (IFC-CNR), P. Picozza (INFN, Roma 2), C. Pittori (CIFS), M. Prest (CIFS), M. Rapisarda (ENEA), A. Rubini (IAS-CNR), P. Soffitta (IAS-CNR), M. Trifoglio (ITESRE), E. Vallazza (INFN, Treste), S. Vercellone (IFC-CNR), D. Zanello (INFN, Roma 1)
AGILE is an ASI Small Scientific Mission dedicated to high-energy astrophysics. The AGILE instrument is designed to detect and image photons in the 30~MeV--50~GeV and 10--40 keV energy bands, with excellent space resolution and timing capability, and an unprecedently large field of view covering ~1/4 of the entire sky at energies above 30 MeV. Primary scientific goals include the study of AGNs, gamma-ray bursts, Galactic sources, unidentified gamma-ray sources, diffuse Galactic and extragalactic gamma-ray emission, and high-precision timing studies.
The AGILE Science Program will be open to the international scientific community. AGILE will be the only Mission entirely dedicated to high-energy astrophysics above 30 MeV to support multiwavelength studies during the period 2002-2005.