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D. Sanwal, G. G. Pavlov (Penn. State University), V. E. Zavlin (MPE, Garching), M. A. Teter, S. Tsuruta (Montana State University)
The middle-aged radio and gamma-ray pulsar PSR~1055-52 was observed with Chandra in the ACIS Continuous-Clocking mode on Jan 05, 2000 for 40 ks. The energy resolved lightcurves and the phase resolved spectra of the pulsar allow us to decompose the observations into different radiating components. The low energy pulse profile is very broad and smooth, while at higher energies it is much narrower and centered at a different phase. The spectrum is composed of at least two components, a thermal component originating at the polar caps of the neutron star and a nonthermal magnetospheric component. Phase variation of the spectral components and the physical interpretation in terms of neutron star models will be presented.