HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 30. Gamma-Ray Bursts
Oral, Thursday, November 9, 2000, 8:00-9:30am, Pago Pago Ballroom

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[30.04] Delayed X-ray flashes from GRBs

M. Boettcher (Rice University), C. L. Fryer (LANL)

We investigate the prospects of detection of delayed X-ray flashes predicted from currently popular gamma-ray burst (GRB) models. These delayed X-ray flashes are expected to result from the interaction of a non-relativistic blast wave with a disk of pre-ejected material from the GRB progenitor. We have recently calculated the quasi-thermal X-ray line features produced in such a scenario. In the framework of the Hypernova/Collapsar model, delayed (a few days - several months after the GRB) bursts of line-dominated, thermal X-ray emission may be expected. The He-merger scenario predicts similar X-ray emission line bursts < a few days after the GRB. We present the results of detailed simulations of planned Chandra and XMM-Newton observations which demonstrate that such delayed X-ray flashes may be detectable out to at least z ~1.

The work of M.B. is supported by NASA through Chandra Postdoctoral Fellowship Award no. PF 9-10007. C.L.F. was supported by a Feynman Fellowship at LANL, NSF (AST-97-31569), and the US DOE ASCI Program (W-7405-ENG-48).

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: mboett@spacsun.rice.edu

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