HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 2. Active Galaxies
Display, Monday, November 6, 2000, 8:00am-6:00pm, Bora Bora Ballroom

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[2.05] Strong X-ray absorption in the quasar RXJ1028.6-0844 at redshift 4.28

W. Yuan, M. Matsuoka, S. Ueno (NASDA, Japan)

We report on the evidence for a strong low-energy spectral cutoff in the radio-loud quasar RXJ1028.6-0844 at a redshift of 4.28 obtained with an ASCA observation. The most likely explanation is photoelectric absorption of the soft X-rays. Our result confirmed that the excess X-ray absorption is common for radio-loud quasars at redshifts extending up to z>4. If the absorber lies close to the quasar, the derived H column density (~2\times 1023\,cm-2) is the largest among those found in high-redshift radio quasars. This may indicate the presence of a remarkably large amount of obscuring matter in the quasar environment in the early universe. Possible origins of the absorber are discussed.

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