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T. Miyaji, R.E. Griffiths (Carnegie Mellon), A.E. Hornschemeier, W.N. Brandt, G.P. Garmire, D.P. Schneider, P.S. Broos, L.K. Townsley (Penn. State), M.W. Bautz (MIT), D.N. Burrows, G. Chartes, E.D. Feigelson (Penn State), D. Lumb (ESTEC), J.A. Nousek (Penn. State), W.L.W. Sargent (Palomer Obs.)
We present the first results of the off-source spatial fluctuation analyses of the initial ~ 160 ks of Chandra GT observation on the Hubble Deep Field (HDF). The distributions of counts in cells in the source-excluded Chandra ACIS-I images in a few energy bands are compared with those expected from flux-distribution (Log N-Log S) models using simulations including non-uniformity of exposure over the field of view (FOV) and off-axis angle-dependent point-spread function (PSF). We also make a number of 'sensitivity checks' of the results on spatial variation of quantum efficiencies and non-cosmic backgrounds over the FOV. This "fluctuation analysis" can constrain the behavior of the Log N-Log S function down to an order of magnitude fainter than the source detection limit.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: miyaji@astro.phys.cmu.edu