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G. DiCocco, M. Cappi, M. Trifoglio, F. Gianotti, J. Stephen (Istituto TeSRE/CNR)
ASCA and BeppoSAX results have demonstrated that X-ray Observations of Seyfert galaxies are important to i) verify the predictions and, thus, validity of unified models and ii) understand the origin of the X-ray background. However, average intrinsic properties and "true" column density distribution of Seyfert galaxies obtained from an unbiased sample, the most crucial points in issues i) and ii), are still lacking at present. We therefore show how an XMM study (250 ks awarded in the EPIC GT) on a well-defined, complete, and statistically significant sample of the nearest known 27 Seyfert galaxies could fill this lacuna. Moreover, this study will allow a comprehensive study of the serendipitous source populations in the host galaxies and in the fields.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: mcappi@tesre.bo.cnr.it