HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 41. Cataclysmic Variables
Display, Friday, November 10, 2000, 8:00am-6:00pm, Bora Bora Ballroom

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[41.08] Chandra HETG observation of the magnetic cataclysmic variable V1223 Sgr

K. Mukai (NASA/GSFC and USRA), E. Schlegel (CfA), T. Kallman (NASA/GSFC), A. Bruch (Laboratório Nacional de Astrof\'{i}sica), G. Handler (SAAO), J. Kemp (CBA)

V1223 Sgr is among the brightest magnetic cataclysmic variable in the 1--10 keV range, with a 3.36 hr orbital period and a 745.6 s spin period. Here we report the preliminary results from our Chandra HETG observation, performed on 2000 April 30/May 1, as well as from supporting observations with RXTE and ground-based telescopes. We have detected K\alpha lines of many atomic species in the phase-averaged HETG spectrum; in many cases, these constitute the first detection in this system. We find that the Fe L lines are substantially weaker than would be expected in a collisionally excited plasma. We will discuss possible interpretations of the line ratios.

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