HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 40. Supernova Remnants/Interstellar Medium
Oral, Friday, November 10, 2000, 8:00-9:30am, Pago Pago Ballroom

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[40.03] The Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnant Sample as Observed by XMM/Newton RGS.

A. Rasmussen, E. Behar, J. Cottam, S.M. Kahn, F.B.S. Paerels, J.R. Peterson, M. Sako (Columbia Astrophysics Lab, Columbia University), J.A.M. Bleeker, A.J. den Boggende, A.C. Brinkman, J.W. den Herder, K.J. van der Heyden, J.S. Kaastra, R. Mewe, T. Tamura, C.P. de Vries (Space Research Organization of the Netherlands), G. Branduardi-Raymont, I. Sakelliou (Mullard Space Science Lab, University College London), M. Audard, M. Guedel (Paul Scherrer Institute), C. Erd (Space Science Department, ESA)

We present the currently available sample of high resolution, soft X--Ray spectra of the Magellanic Cloud supernova remnants observed as part of the RGS guaranteed time observation program. The RGS is uniqely suited to provide high quality spectra even for moderately (\Delta\theta ~1') extended sources, and thus yields the most detailed X--Ray spectra of entire SNRs. The current sample which will be presented include N132D (of the LMC) and 1E0102-72.3 (of the SMC), and possibly others. The spectra clearly betray the explosion event type, abundances, ionization balance and nonequilibrium state of the X--Ray emissive medium. Additional diagnostics provided by the resolved line complexes and spectral serieses will be discussed.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: arasmus@astro.columbia.edu

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