HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 26. Deep Surveys
Display, Wednesday, November 8, 2000, 8:00am-6:00pm, Bora Bora Ballroom

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[26.06] Chandra Multiwavelength Plane (ChaMPlane) Survey: Initial Optical Imaging Results for Galactic Center Fields

P. Zhao, J. E. Grindlay, P. Edmonds, M. R. Garcia, J. E. McClintock (CfA), C. Bailyn (Yale), A. Cool (SFSU), H. Cohn, P. Lugger (Indiana U.), D. Hoard, S. Wachter (CTIO)

The Chandra Multiwavelength Plane (ChaMPlane) Survey is a project to identify a large sample of serendipitous X-ray sources in the galactic plane, including cataclysmic variables, quiescent low mass X-ray binaries (qLMXBs: in both black hole and neutron star systems), Be X-ray binaries and stellar coronal sources (see Grindlay et al 2000, BAAS, 196, 37.07 for general description). ChaMPlane has been chosen by NOAO as a Survey Program (awarded 31 nights over the next 5 years on the KPNO and CTIO 4m telescopes) for deep imaging. CVs and qLMXBs are identified by their ubiquitous H\alpha excess as ``blue'' objects in the R vs. (H\alpha - R) diagram. A pilot survey was successfully conducted at the CTIO 4m in March, 2000 with the newly installed MOSAIC-II CCD detector. Nine Chandra cycle-1 galactic fields were observed. Photometry down to 24th mag in the galactic plane was performed in the V, R, I and H\alpha bands. We will present our data analysis method and results from 3 overlapping Chandra fields towards the Galactic center. The MOSAIC images (36'\times36' FOV) are first CCD reduced; then astrometry is performed (using the new IRAF/MSCRED package) on each image enabling different but overlapping pointings to be stacked in groups by exposure times. DAOPHOT psf-photometry is performed on the stacked images. The H\alpha emission stars found within the Chandra field(s) (e.g., ACIS-I: 17'\times17' FOV) are finally compared with the ~arcsec Chandra source positions and fluxes for initial classification of objects in the EW(H\alpha) vs. Fx/Fv plane. Followup multi-object spectroscopy will be conducted on most candidates, with an initial run scheduled on WIYN in January 2001 for the northern fields. We anticipate that analysis of even the cycle-1 fields will provide significant new constraints on the number density of accretion-powered X-ray sources in the Galaxy.

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