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I. A. Smith, D. Lin, E. P. Liang, M. Böttcher (Rice University)
We will summarize our recent multiwavelength spectral and energy-dependent variability studies of Galactic Black Hole candidates. These include the energy dependence of the aperiodic variability for Cygnus X-1, GX 339-4, GRS 1758-258, and 1E 1740.7-2942 (Lin et al. 2000a), our simultaneous observations of GRS 1758-258 in 1997 using VLA, IRAM, SEST, RXTE, and OSSE (Lin et al. 2000b), and the complex phase lag behaviors of the 0.5-10 Hz QPOs in GRS 1915+105 (Lin et al. 2000c).
Lin, D., Smith, I. A., Böttcher, M., & Liang, E. P. 2000a, ApJ, 531, 963
Lin, D., Smith, I. A., Liang, E. P., Bridgman, T., Smith, D. M., Marti, J., Durouchoux, Ph., Mirabel, I. F., & Rodriguez, L. F. 2000b, ApJ, 532, 548
Lin, D., Smith, I. A., Liang, E. P., & Böttcher, M. 2000c, ApJ Letters, in press
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