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K. Hurley (UC Berkeley), T. Cline (NASA-GSFC), E. Mazets, S. Golenetskii (Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute), J. Trombka (NASA GSFC), M. Feroci (IAS Rome), R. M. Kippen (NASA MSFC), S. Barthelmy (NASA GSFC), F. Frontera, C. Guidorzi, E. Montanari (University of Ferrara)
Since December 1999 the 3rd Interplanetary Network has been producing small (~10') error boxes at a rate of about one per week, and circulating them rapidly (~24 h) via the GCN. As of June 2000, 24 such error boxes have been obtained; 18 of them have been searched in the radio and optical ranges for counterparts, resulting in four definite counterpart detections and three redshift determinations. We will review these results and explain the some of the lesser known IPN operations. In particular, we maintain an "early warning" list of potential observers with pagers and cell phones, and send messages to them to alert them to bursts for which error boxes will be obtained, allowing them to prepare for observations many hours before the complete spacecraft data are received and the GCN message is issued. As an interesting aside, now that the CGRO mission is terminated, the IPN consists entirely of non-NASA and/or non-astrophysics missions, specifically, Ulysses and Wind (Space Physics), NEAR (Planetary Physics), and BeppoSAX (ASI).
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: khurley@sunspot.ssl.berkeley.edu