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M. Sako (Columbia), M. Audard (PSI), E. Behar (Columbia), A. J. den Boggende (SRON), Th. Boller (MPE), G. Branduardi-Raymont (MSSL), A. C. Brinkman (SRON), J. Cottam (Columbia), C. Erd (ESTEC), C. Ferringo (SRON), M. Guedel (PSI), J. W. den Herder (SRON), J. S. Kaastra (SRON), S. M. Kahn (Columbia), A. Lagostina (SOC), R. Mewe (SRON), F. B. S. Paerels (Columbia), J. R. Peterson (Columbia), M. Pierre (CEA/DSM/DAPNIA), E. M. Puchnarewicz (MSSL), A. P. Rasmussen (Columbia), T. Tamura (SRON), I. Sakelliou (MSSL), K. Thomsen (SRON), C. de Vries (SRON)
The luminous infrared-selected quasar IRAS 13349+2438 was observed with XMM-Newton as part of the performance verification program. The spectrum obtained by the RGS exhibits broad and narrow absorption lines from highly ionized elements including hydrogen- and helium-like nitrogen, oxygen, and neon, and several iron L ions. Also shown in the spectrum is the first detection of an "unresolved transition array" of iron in a much cooler medium. We present a preliminary analysis of the RGS spectrum and discuss the structure and dynamics of the complex absorbing medium surrounding the active nucleus.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: masao@astro.columbia.edu