HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 42. Stars and Stellar Coronae
Display, Friday, November 10, 2000, 8:00am-6:00pm, Bora Bora Ballroom

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[42.02] Simulation of CHANDRA X-Ray Spectral Observations for Zeta Pup (O4 Ia) and Delta Ori (O9 Ia)

J. J. MacFarlane (Prism Comp. Sci.), J. P. Cassinelli, N. Miller (U. Wisc.), D. H. Cohen (Swarthmore Coll.), P. Wang (Prism Comp. Sci.)

High-resolution X-ray spectra have recently been obtained using the CHANDRA X-ray Satellite Observatory for the two hot supergiant stars Zeta Pup and Delta Ori. The spectra show the presence of strong K-shell line emission from Ne, Mg, Si, and S, as well as strong L-shell line emission from Fe. Initial examination of the spectra indicates that the lines are significantly broader than what would be expected for a stationary plasma, and appear to be consistent with Doppler-broadened emission from hot plasma forming in shock-heated regions embedded in the wind. As part of our analysis, we are performing numerical simulations of the spectra using our SPECT3D spectral analysis code and WINDRT wind ionization code, both of which utilize atomic data generated by the ATBASE atomic physics package. In addition to investigating the temperature and density characteristics of the X-ray emitting plasma, we are also attempting to determine the velocity of the plasma and the degree to which the X-ray lines are attenuated by the overlying wind, and from these the location of the emission. We will present results from our analysis of these spectra, and discuss their implications for the source of the X-ray emission from hot, early-type stars.

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