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I.M. Gioia (IfA, Honolulu, HI and IRA, Bologna, Italy)
The ROSAT NEP is a completely identified X-ray survey (99.3% identification rate) which focuses on the most deeply exposed region of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. A catalog of X-ray emitting objects, that is both deep and contiguous, has been constructed from the final survey data. In the 80.7 deg2 of the survey region there are 446 X-ray sources detected at > 4 sigma and with fluxes exceeding 3.0x10-14 erg cm-2 sec-1. First results from the survey will be presented, including cluster evolution and detection of a large-scale structure.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: gioia@ifa.hawaii.edu