HEAD 2000, November 2000
Session 43. Missions and Instruments
Display, Friday, November 10, 2000, 8:00am-6:00pm, Bora Bora Ballroom

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[43.08] Results from the EPIC-PN Camera on Board XMM-Newton

U.G. Briel (MPE), EPIC-PN Team

On 10 December 1999, the European X-ray Satellite XMM, now called XMM-Newton, was successfully put into orbit. One of its large X-Ray mirrors is equipped with a PN-CCD camera with a field of view of 27 arcmin diameter, integrated on a single silicon wafer. The main feature of this camera type is the very good quantum efficiency of more than 80% in the energy range from 0.27 to 10 keV and the high time resolution, selectable between 7 \musec and 280 msec. This camera was switched on and tested thoroughly during the commissioning phase (COM-Phase) of the satellite in the period Jan./Feb. 2000. From March until the end of July the calibration and performance verification phase (CAL/PV-Phase) was executed. XMM-Newton is now in the routine phase, observing garanteed time and open time targets. In this presentation we will report on results of the COM and CAL/PV-Phases.

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