HEAD 2000, November 2000
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 18. Cluster Surveys/Galaxies
Oral, Tuesday, November 7, 2000,
1:00-2:30pm, Pago Pago Ballroom
- 18.01 I30 Imaging the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect in Clusters of Galaxies
- M.K. Joy (NASA/MSFC)
- 18.02 Cluster X-ray Luminosity Evolution in the ROSAT North Ecliptic Pole Survey
- J. P. Henry (Institute for Astronomuy, Univ. of Hawaii)
- 18.03 MACS: The Most Massive Galaxy Clusters at z > 0.3
- H. Ebeling (Institute for Astronomy), A.C. Edge (University of Durham), J.P. Henry (Institute for Astronomy)
- 18.04 Precise Calibration of the Virial Theorem from Hubble Volume Cluster Catalogs
- A.E. Evrard (University of Michigan, Departments of Physics & Astronomy), T. Horikawa (Osaka University, X-ray Astronomy Group), Virgo Consortium Collaboration
- 18.05 The X-ray Starburst Zoo: Chandra observations of four starburst galaxies displaying a range of properties
- M.J Ward (X-ray Group, University of Leicester, England), A. Zezas (CfA, Cambridge, Mass, USA), P. Lira (X-ray Group, University of Leicester, England), A. Prestwich, S. Murray (CfA, Cambridge, Mass, USA), A. Alonso-Herrero (University of Hertfordshire, Herts, England), S. Ueno (NASDA, Japan)
- 18.06 Properties of the Chandra Sources in M81
- D.A. Swartz (USRA/MSFC), A.F. Tennant (NASA/MSFC), K. Wu (Mullard Space Science Lab./Univ. College London), K.K. Ghosh (NRC/MSFC), J.J. Kolodziejczak (NASA/MSFC)
- 18.07 Chandra Detection of a Hot Gaseous Corona around the Edge-on Galaxy NGC4631
- Q. D. Wang, S. Immler (Univ. of Massachusetts), R. Walterbos (New Mexico State University), D. Breitschwerdt (Princeton University)
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