HEAD 2000, November 2000
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 32. Supernova Remnants/ISM

Display, Thursday, November 9, 2000, 8:00am-6:00pm, Bora Bora Ballroom

32.01 Chandra Observations of SN1987A
D. N. Burrows (Penn State University), E. Michels (Univ. of Colorado), U. Hwang (NASA/GSFC), R. McCray (Univ. of Colorado)
32.02 Chandra X-ray Images and Spectra of Kepler's Supernova Remnant
U. Hwang, S. S. Holt, R. Petre, A. E. Szymkowiak (NASA/GSFC), K. J. Borkowski (NCSU)
32.03 X-ray Synchrotron Radiation in the Forward Shock of Cassiopeia A
F. Berendse (Univ. of MD & NASA GSFC), R. Petre, S.S. Holt (NASA GSFC), U. Hwang (Univ. of MD & NASA GSFC)
32.04 ACIS Imaging and Spectroscopy of the SNR W49B
R. Petre (NASA / GSFC), U. Hwang (NASA / GSFC & U. MD.), S.S. Holt (NASA / GSFC)
32.05 Spectral Line Imaging Observations of E0102-72
D. S. Davis, K. A. Flanagan, J. C. Houck, G. A. Allen, N. S. Schulz (MIT/CXC), D. Dewey, M. L. Schattenburg, C. R. Canizares (MIT/CSR)
32.06 The Evolution of Iron-rich Ejecta in the Remnants of Type Ia SNe
J.P. Hughes, C.E. Rakowski (Rutgers University), P. Slane (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), D. Burrows, J. Nousek (Penn State)
32.07 Dynamics of Fe Bubbles in Young Supernova Remnants
K.J. Borkowski, J.M. Blondin, S.P. Reynolds (North Carolina State University)
32.08 X-Ray Spectroscopy of a Cloud-Blast Wave Interaction in the Cygnus Loop
J.L. Walters (Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley), C.F. McKee (Depts of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley), R.I. Klein (Dept. of Astronomy, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley and LLNL), J.R. Graham (Dept. of Astronomy, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley), N.A. Levenson (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins Univ.)
32.09 Chandra X-Ray StudY of Sgr A-East
Y. Maeda (Penn State), F. Baganoff, M. W. Bautz (MIT), W. N. Brandt, D. Burrows, E. D. Feigelson, G. P. Garmire (Penn State), M. Morris (UCLA), G. R. Ricker (MIT), T. Townsley (Penn State), ACIS GTO Team
32.10 Chandra Observations of the Vela Bullet D Region
P. P. Plucinsky (SAO), R. Edgar (SAO), T. J. Gaetz (SAO), W. P. Blair (JHU), P. O. Slane (SAO)
32.11 A High State in the Central Object of RCW103
G. P. Garmire, A. B. Garmire, G. Pavlov, D. N. Burrows (Penn State University)
32.12 X-ray and Radio Observations of Supernova Remnants in NGC 300
T.G. Pannuti (MIT), M.D. Filipovic (University of Western Sydney/MPE), N. Duric (UNM), W. Pietsch, A. Read (MPE)
32.13 Studying the centrally-peaked morphology of G272.2-3.2
I. M. Harrus (NASA/GSFC), P. O. Slane, R. Smith (SAO), J. P. Hughes (Rutgers University)
32.14 X-ray Observations of Composite-Type Supernova Remnants
S. Safi-Harb (NASA/GSFC and University of Manitoba)
32.15 Discovery of a 700 yr-old X-ray Pulsar in the SNR Kes~75
E.V. Gotthelf (Columbia), G. Vasisht (JPL/Caltech), K. Tori (NASDA), M. Boylan-Kolchin (Columbia)
32.16 A Search for Pulsed Emission from Kepler using RXTE
G.E. Allen (MIT CSR), A. Decourchelle (CEA Saclay)
32.17 Simulation of supernova remnant spectra using a spare XRS microcalorimeter and an EBIT source
P. Beiersdorfer (LLNL), K. R. Boyce (GSFC), G. V. Brown (LLNL), H. Chen (LLNL), K. C. Gendreau (GSFC), J. Gygax (GSFC), S. M. Kahn (Columbia), R. L. Kelley (GSFC), F. S. Porter (GSFC), C. K. Stahle (GSFC), A. E. Szymkowiak (GSFC), D. Thorn (LLNL), E. Träbert (LLNL)
32.18 Spatially Resolved Analysis of X-ray Synchrotron Emission in Supernova Remnants
K.K. Dyer, S.P. Reynolds, K.J. Borkowski (NC State Univ.), R. Petre (NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center)
32.19 Young Pulsars, Supernova Remnants and Historical Supernovae
Z.R. Wang, Q.Y. Qu (Dept. of Astron., Nanjing Univ., PRC)
32.20 Search for TeV Gamma Rays from Supernova Remnants Cas A and Tycho with the HEGRA Stereoscopic System of Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes
F.A. Aharonian, H. Krawczynski, G. Puehlhofer, G.P. Rowell (MPI-K, Heidelberg), HEGRA Collaboration
32.21 X-rays from the Local Bubble With Chandra: Observations of MBM 12
R. K. Smith, R. J. Edgar, P. P. Plucinsky (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
32.22 Low Energy Calibration of Chandra/ACIS-S and the Diffuse X-ray Background
R. J. Edgar, P. P. Plucinsky, R. K. Smith (CfA), ACIS Team
32.23 X-ray Halos in the Eclipsing Binary 1H0253+193
J.A. Nousek (Penn State), C. Mauche (LLNL), F. Paerels (SRON)
32.24 CXO Observation of Diffuse X-ray Emission from NGC 3184
W. T. Sanders (University of Wisconsin-Madison), W. Cui (Purdue University), M. Juda (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory), D. McCammon (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
32.25 Multi-Wavelength Observations of the Loop I Superbubble
K. Nishikida (U. of Washington), D. N. Burrows (Penn State U.)
32.26 Deconstructing the Soft X-ray Background
K.D. Kuntz (LHEA/GSFC/UMd), S.L. Snowden (LHEA/GSFC)
32.27 An Observation of the Soft X-ray Diffuse Background with High Energy Resolution Micro-calorimeters
M. Galeazzi, R. Almy, E. Apodaca, W. Bergmann Tiest, S. Deiker, A. Lesser, D. McCammon, W. T. Sanders (Physics Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706), E. Figueroa, R. L. Kelley, F. S. Porter, C. K. Stahle, A. E. Szymkowiak (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771)

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