AAS 197, January 2001
Session 39. Polarimetry and Variability in AGN
Display, Tuesday, January 9, 2001, 9:30am-7:00pm, Exhibit Hall

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[39.13] The HET Echo Mapping Project

W. Welsh (San Diego State), E.L. Robinson, G. Hill, G. Shields, B. Wills (University of Texas), N. Brandt, M. Eracleous (Penn State), W. Kollatschny (Univ. of Goettingen), K. Horne (St. Andrews), L. Gallo (San Diego State)

The ``HET Echo Mapping Project'' is a new research program that is using the echo mapping technique to probe supermassive black holes and their environments in AGN. Its primary goals are to: (1) Map the size, geometry, and the flow of the BLR gas; (2) Make direct dynamical estimates of the mass of the black hole using the measured geometry and kinematics of the BLR; (3) Map higher luminosity AGN (at redshifts z~2.3--2.8), probing accretion onto black holes that are 10--100 times more massive than could previously be studied; (4) Measure the temporal evolution of BLR structure.

The Project relies on two key elements: (1) We are using the new, queue--scheduled, 9--m ``HET'' telescope to obtain superb data. Previous projects were limited by the noisy and non--uniform data produced by the small telescopes (1--2.5 m) that were used. (2) We will carry out full 2--dimensional (velocity--resolved) echo mapping. Most previous attempts have only been able to produce 1--D maps. Details and initial results from the Project will be presented. This project is supported in part by the NSF.

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