AAS 197, January 2001
Session 88. HEAD I: High Resolution Views of Compact Objects
Special Session Oral, Wednesday, January 10, 2001, 10:30am-12:00noon, Golden Ballroom

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[88.03] X-ray spectra of Accretion Disk Coronae

J.C. Raymond (CfA)

The CHANDRA and XMM satellites open up the possibility of detailed spectroscopy of Low Mass X-ray Binaries. Accretion disk coronae can be formed by photoionization and Compton heating by photons from near the neutron star, or the accretion flow may take the form of a low density Advection Dominated Accretion flow. In either case, a wind may drastically modify the structure. X-ray spectral lines and recombination contiua provide several clear signatures of different kinds of coronae.

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