AAS 197, January 2001
Session 91. Disks around YSOs
Oral, Wednesday, January 10, 2001, 10:30am-12:00noon, Pacific One

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[91.05] Gemini/Hokupa`a Adaptive Optics Observations of Circumstellar Disks

D. Potter, P. Baudoz, W. Brandner (IfA), L. Close (ESO/Steward Obs.), B. Graves, O. Guyon, M. Northcott (IfA)

We present broad- and narrowband imaging and polarimetric data of young stellar objects with spatially resolved circumstellar disks. The data have been obtained with the University of Hawaii Curvature Sensing Adaptive Optics System Hokupa`a at the Northern Gemini 8m telescope.

The objects studied include the edge-on circumstellar disk sources HV Tau C and HK Tau/C, the circumbinary disk source GG Tau, and the massive outflow source MWC 1080. Polarimetric maps combined with model simulations provide insights into the geometrical structure of the circumstellar material. In particular, our observations of HK Tau/C show evidence that the inner region of the disk is largely void of circumstellar material. Estimates of the physical parameters of HV Tau C and GG Tau disks will be presented as well.

This research acknowledges support by the National Science Foundation.

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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: potter@ifa.hawaii.edu

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