AAS 197, January 2001
Session 4. The Milky Way Galaxy
Display, Monday, January 8, 2001, 9:30am-7:00pm, Exhibit Hall

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[4.13] A New Look at the Milky Way

R.H. Becker, S. Laurent-Muehleisen (UC-Davis), D.J. Helfand (Columbia), R.L. White (STScI)

We have begun a 1400 MHz survey of the Galactic plane using three configurations of the VLA. The initial set of images will span the longitude range from 19 to 32 degrees over a latitude range of +/- 0.6 degrees. Observations in the D configuration were taken in August and will be supplemented with B- and C-configuration data in 2001. Images generated from the D-configuration observations will be presented. An X-ray survey of the same area was approved in the first round of XMM proposals. To the extent that data are available by January 2001, the X-ray images will also be displayed. Supplementary near-IR and optical observations are also planned. This multiwavelength survey will provide a complete census of supernova remnants within the the solar circle, as well as offering a sensitive survey for star formation regions and accretion-powered binaries throughout the Galactic disk.

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