AAS 197, January 2001
Session 27. Early Science from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Special Session Oral, Monday, January 8, 2001, 1:30-3:00pm, San Diego

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[27.01] SDSS QSO Sample

X. Fan (Institute for Advanced Study), SDSS Collaboration

In its five years of operation, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey will obtain the spectra of 105 quasars at i'<19 over 10000 deg2 of the survey area, and a deep sample of ~ 104 high-redshift quasars at z>3 down to i' ~20.5. The SDSS quasar sample will be used to study the evolution and large scale distribution of the quasar population at 0 < z < 6. During its commissioning phase, the SDSS has discovered several thousand new quasars, including ~ 200 quasars at 3.5 < z < 5.8. The SDSS sample shows that the number density of high-redshift quasars declines rapidly at high redshift, and that high-redshift quasars are strongly clustered.

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