AAS 197, January 2001
Session 78. Nearby Galaxies I
Display, Wednesday, January 10, 2001, 9:30am-7:00pm, Exhibit Hall

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[78.01] A New Database of observed SEDs of Nearby Starburst Galaxies from the UV to the FIR

W. Wu (LSU), G. C. Clayton (LSU), K. D. Gordon (Stewa. Observatory), K. A. Misselt (NASA), T. L. Smith (LSU)

We present a new database of UV to FIR data of about 50 nearby starburst galaxies. The galaxies are selected based upon the availability of IUE data. We have recalibrated the IUE UV spectra for these galaxies by incorporating the most recent improvements in the IUE data calibration. For the spectra in optical range, we include the data from the atlas by Kinney et al. and the results of our own long-slit observations with the Bok telescope (Steward Observatory), complemented by the photometric data from the HST/WFPC2 observations. The NIR data are from the literature, our new observations at CTIO, NASA/IRTF and the Mount Laguana Observatory. In addition, the ISO archive has provided mid-IR spectra for some of the galaxies. The optical to IR data are matched to the IUE aperture. In conjunction with IRAS and ISO FIR fluxes, all these data form a set of observed spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the nucleus regions of nearby starburst galaxies, which should be useful in studying star formation and dust/gas attenuation in galaxies.

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