AAS 197, January 2001
Session 65. Galaxy Evolution: High Redshift
Oral, Tuesday, January 9, 2001, 1:30-3:00pm, Pacific One

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[65.02] Strong Spatial Clustering among Red Galaxies at z > 1

P. McCarthy, H. Chen, J. Wilson, A. Oemler, E. Persson (OCIW), R. Carlberg, R. Abraham (Toronto), R. Marzke (SFSU), A. Firth, R. McMahon (IoA), R. Ellis (Caltech), O. Lahav, C. Sabbey (IoA)

We report results from the Las Campanas IR Survey. The primary goal of our program is determining the clustering of early type galaxies at redshifts from one to two. We have surveyed one square degree to a 5\sigma depth of H(Vega) = 20.5 and to appropriate depths in V,R,I, & z'. We have identified a sample of 335 very red galaxies in the first 700 square arc-minutes of the survey area. These red galaxies have an angular clustering amplitude that is an order of magnitude larger than that of the general field. We use three approaches to derive the redshift distribution of our I - H > 3, H < 20.5 sample and conclude that it spans the range from z = 1 to 1.4. We invert the angular clustering signal to derive a co-moving correlation length of 8 h-1Mpc for a \Lambda = 0.7 cosmology. This is roughly three times larger than that of the Lyman Break galaxies at z = 3 and is in reasonable agreement with the expectation for massive early type galaxies. This program was made possible by support from the National Science Foundation under grant AST-9900806.

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