AAS 197, January 2001
Session 90. Multiwavelength Surveys for AGN
Oral, Wednesday, January 10, 2001, 10:30am-12:00noon, San Diego

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[90.03] The Panoramic Deep Fields

M.J.I. Brown (NOAO / University of Melbourne), R.L. Webster (University of Melbourne), B.J. Boyle (Anglo-Australian Observatory)

The environments and evolution of AGN and galaxies have been measured with the Panoramic Deep Fields, a deep multicolor survey of two ~25\Box\circ fields. The deep (BJ~ 23.5) wide-field images have been produced by digitally stacking SuperCOSMOS scans of UK Schmidt photographic plates. The resulting object catalogues contain ~ 3\times 105 galaxies per field. The size, depth and colors of the Panoramic Deep Field galaxy catalogues has allowed measurements of the environments of radio-quiet AGN and radio galaxies, the clustering of galaxies as a function of color, the evolution of the radio galaxy luminosity function and the space density of galaxy clusters at z<0.5.

In this presentation the environments of radio-quiet AGN at intermediate redshifts are discussed in detail. By applying photometric redshifts and color selection to the galaxy catalogue, it has been possible to measure the angular cross-correlation function of AGN with early and late-type galaxies. The AGN-late cross-correlation function is weak and has been detected with low significance. In contrast, the AGN-early cross-correlation function is detected with high significance and the observed clustering is comparable to the autocorrelation function of early-type galaxies at low redshift.

The author acknowledges the financial support of an Australian Postgraduate Award.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: mbrown@noao.edu

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