AAS 197, January 2001
Session 43. High Mass Star Formation
Display, Tuesday, January 9, 2001, 9:30am-7:00pm, Exhibit Hall

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[43.08] Application of a Detailed Chemical and Physical Models to GL2591

S. D. Doty (Denison University), E. F. van Dishoeck, F. F. S. van der Tak, A. M. S. Boonman (Leiden University), T. J. Millar (UMIST)

In order to better understand the environment of the relatively quiescent star-forming region GL2591, we consider the physical, thermal, and chemical structures of this source.

Utilizing physical structure of van der Tak et al. (1999) we construct detailed models for the thermal balance, radiative transfer, and chemistry of the region. The thermal balance and radiative transfer follow the approach of Doty & Neufeld (1997). The model results are compared with recent infrared and submillimeter observations to further inform and constrain the physical structure and processes. We find remarkably good simultaneous agreement between the models and observations.

As a second comparison, we construct detailed time and space-dependent chemical models of the source. Particular attention is paid to molecules for which significant observational constraints exist, namely: H2O, CO, CO2, OI, and various hydrocarbons. With minor modifications, the chemical models are able to reproduce the observed abundances and abundance ratios for these species. The use of chemical abundances to age-date the source are also discussed.

This research was partially supported by grants from the Research Corporation and by the NWO.

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