AAS 197, January 2001
Session 27. Early Science from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Special Session Oral, Monday, January 8, 2001, 1:30-3:00pm, San Diego

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[27.05] First Results on Large-Scale Structure

S. Dodelson (Fermilab), Sloan Digital Sky Survey Collaboration

Early large scale structure work includes results from both the photometric and the spectroscopic parts of the Survey. Two nights of early SDSS photometric data are introduced, in which over a million galaxies were imaged. A star-galaxy separator is discussed; it works well down to 22nd magnitude. The angular correlation function of these galaxies is presented out to scales larger than a degree. This angular correlation function is then inverted to obtain a preliminary power spectrum from SDSS. This is compared with theoretical models and results from previous surveys. Early spectroscopic results are also presented. In particular, the clustering properties in redshift space have been measured. These early results bode well for the future of the survey, strongly suggesting that its scientific potential will be realized.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: dodelson@fnal.gov

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