AAS 197, January 2001
Session 24. Star Clusters and Binaries
Oral, Monday, January 8, 2001, 10:30am-12:00noon, Sunrise

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[24.01] Similarities and Differences in the Luminosity and Mass Functions of the Young Stellar Clusters NGC 2362 and IC 348

A. A. Muench, E. A. Lada (UF), J. F. Alves (ESO), C. J. Lada (SAO)

Using deep infrared surveys, we have constructed the Infrared Luminosity Functions of two young stellar clusters, IC 348 and NGC 2362. For both clusters, the derived luminosity function is complete from stars as massive as B type stars (10 M\sun) down to brown dwarfs near the deuterium burning limit (~ 0.01 M\sun). By comparing the two cluster luminosity functions and by using a suite of model luminosity functions, we show that the underlying stellar Mass Functions of these two clusters are quite similar despite the difference in their apparent star formation rates and the more significant O and B star content of NGC 2362.

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