AAS 197, January 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 1. HAD I: Boners of the Century

Special Session Oral, Sunday, January 7, 2001, 1:00-5:30pm, SDSU, Zinner Collection, special collections area (4th floor) of Love Library, Tea and tour follow talks. There will probably be people sharing taxies from the hotel.

1.01 J. B. Biot and Refraction Calculations
A. T. Young (SDSU)
1.02 The Distance to the Hyades: From Meridian Circles to Hipparcos
G. Wallerstein (University of washington)
1.03 The Transit of Venus and the Notorious Black Drop
B. E. Schaefer (Univ. Texas Austin)
1.04 The Russell Diagram: Artifact of Evolutionary Thinking or a New Descriptive Tool for the Astronomer?
D. H. DeVorkin (Smithsonian Institution)
1.05 The Director's Choice: Mellish, Hubble and the discovery of the variable nebula
T. R. Williams (Rice University)
1.06 The Trend Lines and Moving Groups of Olin Jeuck Eggen
V. Trimble (U. Maryland; U. California Irvine)

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