AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
Session 33. The Big Picture: Latest Science Results from 2MASS
Topical Session Oral, Tuesday, June 5, 2001, 9:00am-12:30pm, 2:00-5:30pm, C101-104

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[33.02] 2MASS and the Solar System

M.V. Sykes (University of Arizona), R.M. Cutri, J.W. Fowler (California Institute of Technology), D.J. Tholen (University of Hawaii)

2MASS has made tens of serendipitous observations of planetary satellites, hundreds of comets, and tens of thousands of asteroids, providing new insights into our understanding of these objects. For asteroids, 2MASS represents the largest compositional survey to date, probing the compositional structure of the asteroid belt, and suggesting how the spatial distribution of different minerologies have evolved over the age of the solar system. Pre-discovery images of comets have been found. Origin theories for some planetary satellites have been tested. 2MASS observations will leverage yet further information and insights in combination with other spectral datasets. A large number of previously unknown solar system objects remain in the 2MASS database to be extracted in the future.

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