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C. Martin (California Institute of Technology), GALEX Science Team
The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX), a NASA Small Explorer Mission planned for launch in January 2002, will perform the first Space Ultraviolet sky survey. Imaging surveys in two bands (1350-1750 Angstroms and 1750-2700 Angstroms) will include an all-sky survey (limit AB~20-21) and a deep survey of 100 square degrees (limit AB~26). Spectroscopic grism surveys (R=100-300) will be performed with various depths (AB~20-25) and sky coverage (100 to 2 square degrees) over the 1350-2700 Angstroms band. We will use the measured UV properties of local galaxies, along with corollary observations, to calibrate the UV-global star formation rate relationship in galaxies. We will apply this calibration to distant galaxies discovered in the deep imaging and spectroscopic surveys to map the history of star formation in the universe over the redshift range zero to two. We will use the data set, with supporting observations, to probe the starburst history of galaxies. The GALEX mission will include an Associate Investigator program for primary observations and supporting data analysis. This will support a wide variety of investigations made possible by the first UV sky survey.
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