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T.G. Pannuti, G.E. Allen (MIT)
The discovery of non-thermal X-ray emission from Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) has generated a considerable amount of interest in modern astrophysics from both observational and theoretical perspectives. In particular, such emission strongly suggests that the expanding shock fronts of SNRs accelerate cosmic-ray particles to energies that approach the "knee" of the observed cosmic-ray spectrum at 3000 TeV. To investigate this phenomenon in more detail, we have considered a SNR known to emit non-thermal X-rays, G347.3-0.5, and we present a 45 kilosecond RXTE observation of this source. G347.3-0.5 is a member of a class of SNRs which are young, shell-type sources that emit X-rays from specific regions on their outer shells. Our observation samples the energy spectrum of G347.3-0.5 between 3 keV and 20 keV, and we have fitted the data with several different models in order to analyze the underlying processes responsible for this emission. We will present the results of these fits and discuss their implications.
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