AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
Session 37. Gravitational Lenses, Relativistic Astrophysics
Display, Tuesday, June 5, 2001, 10:00am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

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[37.06] Self-similar Relativisitic Disks revisted

M. J. Cai, F. H. Shu (U. C. Berkeley)

We revisit the rotating self-similar disk first studied by Lynden-Bell and Pineault and extend it to include pressure. A two-parameter family of solutions is constructed numerically. These disks are parameterized by the constant linear rotation velocity v, and the isothermal sound speed \gamma1/2. For sufficiently high velocities, an ergo region develops in the form of the exterior of a cone. For each value of \gamma, there is a maximum velocity vc above which there is no equilibrium solutions. For this solution the frame dragging is infinite and the ergo cone closes on the rotation axis. The null geodesic equations are also integrated numerically. Due to the infinite extend and mass of the system, all photon trajectories are focused towards the disk. The behavior of equatorial photons orbits is qualitatively the same as that of cold disks.

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