AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
Session 79. Galaxy Surveys
Oral, Thursday, June 7, 2001, 10:00-11:30am, C106

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[79.08] Parsec-scale Polarization Properties of a Complete Sample of Active Galactic Nuclei at 43 GHz

M. L. Lister (NRAO)

We present results from the first 43 GHz VLBI polarization imaging survey of a complete sample of flat-spectrum active galactic nuclei (AGN). Our sample is drawn from the Pearson-Readhead survey, which has been well-studied at a variety of wavelengths and resolutions. The relatively higher resolution and weaker opacity effects at 43 GHz allow us to probe magnetic field structures in the jets of these AGNs much closer to the central engine than in previous studies. At 43 GHz, the bulk of the total intensity and polarized emission emanates from an unresolved core component located at the extreme end of a faint jet. We discuss how the properties of the VLBI core are closely related to other source properties, including jet speed and polarization. By combining our images with those made using space-VLBI, we are able to trace the jet morphologies of our sample objects with unprecedented detail. We show how many of these morphologies are consistent with streaming motions along a mildly bent helical path. We also present evidence showing fundamental differences in the inner jet properties of BL Lacertae objects as compared to those of quasars.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: mlister@nrao.edu

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